Elder Care Law: The Medicaid Eligibility “Look-Back Period”

Before anyone can enroll in Medicaid, the government conducts a financial eligibility check. Primarily, they’re looking to ensure that applicants have exhausted all available funds. What many families don’t realize, however, is that the government examines five years’ worth of financial records. So let’s say your 80-year-old father applies for Medicaid in November 2018. Before […]

Elder Care and Estate Planning

While it may be uncomfortable to think about the inevitable prospect of one’s own aging and death, failure to do so could have dire consequences for the families of those who have died before finalizing a will or a plan for their own care in old age. Lawyers can assist those making difficult end-of-life decisions […]

LOBEJ Welcomes Diaby Foulematou to the Firm!

The Law Office of Barry E. Janay, P.C. wholeheartedly welcomes Diaby Foulematou to the firm. Diaby is a Parisian who has come to LOBEJ to further her studies at the Van Gough School, where her studies are aimed at completing postbaccalauréat degree, with a focus on becoming a trilingual Executive Professional Assistant. We hope that […]